Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall is coming...

Eating seasonally has brought me to living seasonally...and for fall that means getting into designing and sewing and knitting my clothes. Lucky for me fall is also the fashion world's time for change. All the DIY bloggers get inspired, this inspires me and -----voila!!! (I've especially been inspired by Tavi, Katie, Miss James and Esther, thank you all for being so lovely and talented!)
Fall is a magical time to me. I moved from seasonless southern california in fall of 2007. September air, falling leaves and learning about layers all bring me back to the wonder of experiencing my first fall. I love the preserving. The bounty of the season and the joy of gorging yourself on fresh fruit for the last time until next year. I love the subtle changes in light. How the whole town changes and how you can smell all of this before it happens....
I love fall. And this fall will be my last as a college student. It is an introspective time of year. Full of improvements and preparation for the winter ahead.

We've also been in band mode. Which means me and the banshee get to spend some pretty good time together. I really love playing the banjo. It's such an unsophisticated instrument that i never feel embarassed to tell people that it's what I play!

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